
本系列的第一篇介绍的是环检测问题,对应的维基百科页面有Cycle detection。这类问题最常见的求解算法是Floyd Cycle Algorithm/Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare,中文名通常为Floyd判圈算法/龟兔赛跑算法。

1. 问题描述

在计算机科学中,有一类问题称之为环检测问题,即对于一个由迭代函数(iterated function)值组成的序列,判断该序列是否有环及环出现的位置。
关于什么是迭代函数(iterated function),严格定义可以查看这里,简单来说就是一个函数\(f\),其定义域和值域都是集合\(X\),那么对于某个自变量/输入\(a\),其因变量/输出\(b\)也可以作为函数\(f\)的自变量/输入,如此给定一个初始值\(x\),将\(f\)的每一次输出作为下一次的输入,如此重复\(n\)次,就称作函数\(f\)的第\(n\)次迭代。

S = \{x_0, x_1 = f(x_0), x_2 = f(x_1), \cdots, x_i = f(x_{i-1}), \cdots\}
那么必然会有两个位置\(i\)和\(j\),且\(i < j\),其\(x_i = x_j\),一旦出现这种状况,显然在\(j\)位置之后,会重复从\(x_i\)到\(x_{j-1}\)的序列。所谓环检测问题,就是给定\(f\)和\(x_0\),要求找到\(i\)和\(j\)。

2. 求解算法

对于上述问题,最常见的算法是Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare,其次还有Brent’s algorithm和Gosper’s algorithm等。

2.1 Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare

对于问题描述中迭代函数组成的序列,如果存在环,那么对于\(i\ge{}\mu\),则\(x_i = x_{i+k\lambda}\),其中\(\lambda\)是环的长度,\(\mu\)是环的第一个元素出现的位置。
基于此,可以推出,\(\exists{}i = k\lambda\ge\mu\Longrightarrow{}x_i = x_{2i}\)
因此,只要设定两个指针\(P1\)和\(P2\),其中\(P2\)的步长是2,\(P1\)的步长是1,那么就可以找到两个指针指向值相等的位置,反过来说,即只要存在相等值,就存在环,此时可以得出\(\nu = P2 - P1 = P1 = k\lambda\).
显然\(x_{\mu{}+\nu} = x_{\mu}\),即\(x_{\nu{}+\mu} = x_{\mu}\),故找到上述位置之后,\(P1\)仍保持原来位置,而\(P2\)放回序列最初位置,此时两个指针的推进步长都设置为1,两指针指向的值再次相等时,就是环开始的位置。找到环开始的位置后,向后迭代找到下一次重复位置,就可以得到环的长度\(\lambda\)了。

2.2 Brent’s algorithm

Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare算法很精巧,但是判断环存在、找到环开始位置和确定环长度需要分为三步,Brent’s algorithm效率更高,且只需要两步。
Brent’s algorithm也是利用了快慢两个指针的想法,但是它的想法是动态增加步长,加快搜索速度。
首先,设定两个指针\(P1\)和\(P2\),\(P2\)第一次先前进\(2^0=1\)步,在前进的过程中若始终\(x_{P2}\ne{}x_{P1}\),则令\(P1 = P2\),然后\(P2\)再前进\(2^1=2\),在前进的过程中若始终\(x_{P2}\ne{}x_{P1}\),则令\(P1 = P2\),然后\(P2\)再前进\(2^2=4\)……
此时,将\(P1\)放于序列开始位置0,\(P2\)放于\(\lambda\)位置,由于\(x_{\mu} = x_{\lambda{}+\mu}\),故只要让\(P1\)和\(P2\)依次向前前进,等到两者指向值相同时,\(P1\)的位置正好就是环的开始位置。

Brent’s algorithm的效率比Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare要高,最差情况是Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare算法。其主要原因是,步长动态增加,速度提高,以及首次找到相同值时,记录了环的长度,而Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare算法首次找到相同值时,并不知道环的长度,只能知道环长度的整数倍。

2.3 Gosper’s algorithm


3. 相关练习


3.1 Leetcode 141. Linked List Cycle


Description: Given a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in it.

Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare

class Solution {
  bool hasCycle(ListNode *head) {
    if(!head || !(head->next)) {
      return false;
    ListNode* tortoise = head->next;
    ListNode* hare = head->next->next;
    while(hare && hare->next) {
      if(tortoise == hare) {
        return true;
      tortoise = tortoise->next;
      hare = hare->next->next;
    return false;

Brent’s algorithm

class Solution {
  bool hasCycle(ListNode *head) {
    if(!head || !(head->next)) {
      return false;
    int current_step = 1;
    int limited_step = 1;
    ListNode* tortoise = head->next;
    ListNode* hare = head->next->next;
    while(hare && hare->next) {
      if(tortoise == hare) {
        return true;
      if(current_step == limited_step) {
        current_step = 0;
        limited_step *= 2;
        tortoise = hare;
      hare = hare->next;
    return false;

3.2 Leetcode 142. Linked List Cycle II


Description: Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null.

Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare

class Solution {
  ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {
    if(!head || !(head->next)) {
      return NULL;
    ListNode* tortoise = head->next;
    ListNode* hare = head->next->next;
    while(tortoise != hare) {
      if(!hare || !(hare->next)) {
        return NULL;
      tortoise = tortoise->next;
      hare = hare->next->next;
    tortoise = head;
    while(tortoise != hare) {
      tortoise = tortoise->next;
      hare = hare->next;
    return tortoise;

Brent’s algorithm

class Solution {
  ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {
    if(!head || !(head->next)) {
      return NULL;
    int current_step = 1;
    int limited_step = 1;
    ListNode* tortoise = head->next;
    ListNode* hare = head->next->next;
    while(tortoise != hare) {
      if(!hare || !(hare->next)) {
        return NULL;
      if(current_step == limited_step) {
        current_step = 0;
        limited_step *= 2;
        tortoise = hare;
      hare = hare->next;
    tortoise = head;
    hare = head;
    while(current_step--) {
      tortoise = tortoise->next;
    while(tortoise != hare) {
      tortoise = tortoise->next;
      hare = hare->next;
    return tortoise;

3.3 Leetcode 202. Happy Number


Description: Write an algorithm to determine if a number is “happy”.
A happy number is a number defined by the following process: Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits, and repeat the process until the number equals 1 (where it will stay), or it loops endlessly in a cycle which does not include 1. Those numbers for which this process ends in 1 are happy numbers.

Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare

class Solution {
  bool isHappy(int n) {
    int tortoise = nextNum(n);
    int hare = nextNum(nextNum(n));
    while(tortoise != hare) {
      tortoise = nextNum(tortoise);
      hare = nextNum(nextNum(hare));
    return tortoise == 1;
  int nextNum(int n) {
    int nxt = 0;
    while(n) {
      int digit = n%10;
      nxt += digit*digit;
      n /= 10;
    return nxt;

Brent’s algorithm

class Solution {
  bool isHappy(int n) {
    int current_step = 1;
    int limited_step = 1;
    int tortoise = nextNum(n);
    int hare = nextNum(nextNum(n));
    while(tortoise != hare) {
      if(current_step == limited_step) {
        current_step = 0;
        limited_step *= 2;
        tortoise = hare;
      hare = nextNum(hare);
    return tortoise == 1;
  int nextNum(int n) {
    int nxt = 0;
    while(n) {
      int digit = n%10;
      nxt += digit*digit;
      n /= 10;
    return nxt;

3.4 Leetcode 287. Find the Duplicate Number


Given an array nums containing n + 1 integers where each integer is between 1 and n (inclusive), prove that at least one duplicate number must exist. Assume that there is only one duplicate number, find the duplicate one.

Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare

class Solution {
  vector<int> nums;
  int findDuplicate(vector<int>& nums) {
    if(nums.empty()) {
      return -1;
    this->nums = nums;
    int tortoise = f(nums[0]);
    int hare = f(f(nums[0]));
    while(tortoise != hare) {
      tortoise = f(tortoise);
      hare = f(f(hare));
    tortoise = nums[0];
    while(tortoise != hare) {
      tortoise = f(tortoise);
      hare = f(hare);
    return tortoise;
  int f(int n) {
    return nums[n];

Brent’s algorithm

class Solution {
  vector<int> nums;
  int findDuplicate(vector<int>& nums) {
    if(nums.empty()) {
      return -1;
    this->nums = nums;
    int current_step = 1;
    int limited_step = 1;
    int tortoise = f(nums[0]);
    int hare = f(f(nums[0]));
    while(tortoise != hare) {
      if(current_step == limited_step) {
        current_step = 0;
        limited_step *= 2;
        tortoise = hare;
      hare = f(hare);
    tortoise = nums[0];
    hare = nums[0];
    while(current_step--) {
      tortoise = f(tortoise);
    while(tortoise != hare) {
      tortoise = f(tortoise);
      hare = f(hare);
    return tortoise;
  int f(int n) {
    return nums[n];

4. 实际应用

环检测(cycle detection)问题的实际应用有 伪随机数生成器(pseudorandom number generators)强度的度量,比如 线性同余生成器(linear congruential generator)加密哈希函数的冲突检测细胞自动机(cellular automaton)的振荡周期配置